Potpisani ugovori za novo naoružanje za Vojsku Srbije Signed Contracts New Armament for Serbian Army

lazar3m #dubs30 #rcws #kupola #zastava #top #30mm #m12 #vojskasrbije #naoruzanje #2023 #2024 #serbianarmy #armament #weapons #arms #oruzje #military #army #armija #vojska #srbija #serbia #airdefense #airforce #missile #raketa #rv #pvo #kov #landarmy #ika20m #ikakam #gavran #kamikaze #m84 #mbt #m80 #bvp #ifv #apc #pasars #nora #aleksandar #b52 #oganj #tamnava #sumadija #cyprus #mi35p #mi35m #mi17v5 #repelent #krasuha #ew #peb #ch95 #uav #ucav #lancet #rw24 #uae #bpl #fk3 #hq22 #kina #china #mistral #thales #mbda #francuska #france #russia #rusija #bayraktartb2 #baykar #turkey #turska #h145m #airbus #superpuma #helicopter #helikopter #pancirs1m #pantsirs1m #yugoimport #jugoimport #bajraktar #gm200 #gm400 #gm60 #serbianarmedforces #mlrs What kind of contract on the purchase of weapons for the Serbian Armed Forces did the representative of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia sign yesterday with the representatives of the companies of the Serbian defense industry? Yesterday, contracts were signed on the procurement of weapons from the production range of the company “Zastava orje“ for equipping the Serbian Armed Forces in the Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia. The contract was signed on behalf of the Ministry of Defense by the representative of the Directorate for Procurement and Sales of the Material Resources Sector, colonel Dragan Panić, on behalf of the company “Yugoimport SDPR“ by the assistant director Aleksandar Lijaković, and on behalf of the company “Zastava orjuje“ by the executive director for legal and economic affairs Milena Milinković. In a conversation with the aforementioned representatives of the Serbian defense industry, it was learned that the company “Yugoimport SDPR“ will deliver the initial batch of the modernized Lazar 3M in the infantry fighting vehicle version, which will number about 30 combat vehicles for testing, and later for use in units of the Serbian Armed Forces. Kakav ugovor o kupovini naoružanja za Vojsku Srbije je juče predstavnik Ministarstva odbrane Srbije potpisao sa predstavnicima kompanija srpske odbrambene industrije? Juče su potpisani ugovori o nabavci naoružanja iz proizvodnog asortimana preduzeća „Zastava oružje“ za opremanje Vojske Srbije u Sektoru za materijalne resurse Ministarstva odbrane Srbije. Ugovor je u ime Ministarstva odbrane potpisao predstavnik Uprave za nabavku i prodaju Sektora za materijalne resurse pukovnik Dragan Panić, u ime kompanije “Yugoimport SDPR” pomoćnik direktora Aleksandar Lijaković a u ime preduzeća “Zastava oružje” izvršna direktorka za pravne i ekonomske poslove Milena Milinković. U razgovoru sa navedenim predstavnicima srpske odbrambene industrije moglo se saznati da će kompanija “Yugoimport SDPR” isporučiti početnu partiju modernizovanog Lazara 3M u verziji borbenog vozila pešadije koja će brojati 30-ak borbenih vozila za ispitivanje, a kasnije i korišćenje u jedinicama Vojske Srbije. Video credit: ; Personal library Audio credit: › audiolibrary