The Best States to Outfox FEMA - Stay Off Their Radar!

So, which states in the U.S. could offer you the best chance of staying off the federal radar? You know, just in case of a national emergency and FEMA decides to knock on people’s doors and seize their stockpiles. Today, we’ll talk about 10 states that could help you outsmart the feds and why some locations might just be your best bet for maintaining independence when things go sideways. From government power grabs to emergency measures that might make you blink twice, the vast landscape of American states offers varied sanctuaries that aren't just about beautiful vistas and low taxes. Whether it’s the sweeping plains or rugged mountains, some states stand out as fortresses of privacy and self-sufficiency. So, if you're a prepper, a lover of liberty, or just someone who cherishes privacy, stick around as we explore these havens. Please subscribe and give a thumbs up! ➥ We appreciate you joining us for this episode! #survival #prepping #shtf