VENGERKA - VADIM KOLPAKOV & VIA ROMEN. Russian-Gypsy 7-string guitar.

Please SUBSCRIBE: Vadim Kolpakov & Via Romen – Russian seven-string guitar. Video from the concert of Via Romen and Svetlana Portnyansky in Tel Aviv, Israel. Famous Russian-Gypsy tune – Vengerka performed by Vadim Kolpakov on Russian seven-string guitar, and his celebrated US-based Gypsy ensemble Via Romen. For more information visit and Russian-Gypsy guitar tradition goes back to the 18th century when the first Sokolovsky Gypsy choir (Russian “Соколовский хор“) was founded by the Count Orlov-Chesmensky in the 1770s who called on Ivan Sokolov, leader of the Roma (Gypsies) among his serfs, to perform at his estate outside Moscow. The Roma-serfs were granted their freedom in 1807, and Sokolov became the first in a dynasty of Gypsy choir leaders. The choir performed at the prestigious Yar restaurant in Moscow (“Соколовский хор у Яра“). When his descendant Grigory Sokolov died leadership passed to Nikolai Shishkin. Many staples of the Russian traditional romans song have Romani origins. Vadim learned directly from his uncle and other virtuoso guitarists in Russia the “Gypsy Vengerka” (or, as the theme is known in the West, “The Two Guitars”) is more than a single piece, it is a whole culture of improvising on guitar or violin. Years of experience helped Vadim Kolpakov develop his own, highly imaginative and virtuosic version, that Via Romen performed. For more info about the Russian guitar visit at Vadim Kolpakov playing on the Russian 7-string guitar, and created this project of the Via Romen ensemble in 2004. They performed across the U.S. and overseas, mixing and creating a new style of the Russian-Gypsy and Jewish music. For booking and info, visit at FOLLOW at: Facebook: ВКонтакте: Instagram: Twitter: Google+: +VadimKolpakovGuitarist/ YouTube: For more videos of Vadim and Via Romen CLICK HERE: Please join me on all social networks, leave comments, and subscribe on my YouTube channel! Thank you ! ----------------------------------------­-------------------- Вадим Колпаков (русско-цыганская семиструнная гитара) и ансамбль Via Romen на гастролях в Израиле в совместном проекте с певицей, Светланой Портнянской. 2012. Для более подробной информации, и заказа посетите сайт: Профессиональная цыганская исполнительская традиция на русской (или как ее иногда называют, цыганской) семиструнной гитаре «семиструнке» в России ведет свое начало от хора кочевых цыган-«лэутарей», в 1774 выписанных графом А. Орловым-Чесменским из Валахии и поселенных в подмосковном поселке (ныне Пушкино). Этот хор возглавил Иван Трофимович Соколов (1740-е - 1807), патриарх семьи цыган-артистов, известных в России с конца XVIII в. по начало XX в. Для более подробной информации, посетите ссылки здесь: О гитаре: Русская_семиструнная_гитара НАШИ СОЦ. СЕТИ: Facebook: ВКонтакте: Instagram: Twitter: Google+: +VadimKolpakovGuitarist/ YouTube: Смотрите другие видео Вадима Колпакова из этого проекта здесь: -----------------------------------------------------------------------