“Маленький цветок“ Сидни Беше (слоу-фокс) & whistling

“Подремонтировал“... ........ P.S. I must say, we all are worried about our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. (So lately I don't want to whistle...) I wish courage for inhabitants of South-Eastern Ukraine. And to “sectarians“-Russophobes, sticking in Kiev,- finally turn the mind and to stop the war with its own people!.. Separately for those who are fooled by “Goebbels“ propaganda from Kiev: it is with your tacit approval the Kyiv mode kills in Luhansk and Donetsk children, the elderly, and anyone else who doesn't want to wave his arms in a Nazi salute and to shoute: “Glory to Ukraine“... As for the international Tribunal, — yes, it is a necessary, but not only to investigate the crime with the Malaysian “Boeing“ in the sky over Ukraine, — and for bringing to justice all who have unleashed a fratricidal war and gave criminal orders!..