10 Reasons Why The Internet Is Bad For You

Top 10 facts that prove why surfing the web online could be damaging you and society. Subscribe to our channel: Other Videos You Might Like 10 Most Stupid Trends Ever 10 Most Evil Animal Hunters Description: The Internet has become the glue that is holding the seams of society together. We literally cannot picture our lives without the Internet. From cat videos, online quizzes, and social media, people are finding themselves to be a new form of living human. The internet is an important aspect of our lives as it connects us all together in one massive quilt of existence. However, the Internet is also responsible for the negative things that happen in our lives like a decline in health, anger issues, and job termination. Speaking of job termination, employers are now using social media and the Internet to look up potential employees before considering hiring them. This means that you should either change the name on your online profiles, or do some massive cleaning to make yourself look presentable. Social media has now become the first impression for many companies. There are numerous ways today that the Internet can ruin your life without you ever realizing it. You could even say that the Internet is ironically responsible for the decay of our socializing and communication. Today, people prefer to converse online through messaging than picking up the phone and having a real conversation. Those who do the majority of their socializing online have shown to be extremely awkward when meeting someone in person and lack basic conversational skills. Plus, the Internet has contributed to the decline of good grammar. Because people have essentially gotten away with misspellings and poor punctuation, it has acceptable to write terribly online with little to no repercussions. But since we spend so much time online, these habits start to bleed into work and academic life, which can greatly affect one’s future. If you’re someone who gets sick on a regular basis, then you might want to check how much time you spend online each day. When we talk to someone in person, our body releases a hormone that helps strengthen our immune system. But if you don’t go and talk to people, the hormone isn’t released and your immune system is compromised. People who google their medical conditions can also encounter a self-fulfilling prophecy and make themselves sick. Also, men who use laptops excessively may even be affecting their fertility because they are essentially putting their sperm in the over when using a laptop connected to the WiFi. On the same lines of health related issues, the Internet can also affect your sleep by keeping our brains active and alert. Typically people like to bring their phones and laptops in bed with them so they can use social media or watch television online before bed. But then these same people will find that it takes them a lot longer to get to sleep. Less sleep means that you’re also vulnerable to getting sick. There are multiple ways that the Internet can ruin your life. So check out the rest of this video and perhaps you’ll even feel inspired to reduce your internet time and unplug for a change. Face to face conversation is becoming a rarity and is a great tool to make you stand out above the crowd. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Featuring: Get You Fired & Not Hired Infertility Stops Communication Ruins Your Grammar Makes You Sick Reduces Your Sleep Spreads False Information Kills Your Feelings Makes You Broke Addictive For more videos and articles visit: TheRichest is the world's leading source of shocking and intriguing content surrounding celebrities, money, global events, society, pop culture, sports and much more. We create high quality top 10 and top 5 list based videos filled with mind blowing interesting and entertaining facts you are going to love and enjoy. Currently updating every day!