How I learned Serbian in a Year (Tips, Tricks and More)

How I learned Serbian in a Year (Tips, Tricks, and More) Kako sam naučila srpski jezik u godinu dana — Hi everyone! I've been wanting to make a video for quite a while in Serbian, just to properly explain to you all how I learned the Serbian language as an American and to share a few language-learning tips I've discovered along the way. I hope this video is helpful, and inspires you to continue learning Serbian (even when it feels difficult)! --- Cao svima! Već neko vrijeme želim snimiti video na srpskom, samo da vam objasnim kako sam naučila srpski jezik i podijelim nekoliko savjeta za učenje jezika koje sam usput otkrila. Nadam se da je ovaj video od pomoći i da će vas inspirirati da nastavite učiti srpski jezik (čak i kad vam je teško)! --- Content Summary: 0:00 - Introduction and Why I Learned Serbian 3:00 - Have Clear Goals and A Strong Motivating Factor 4:16 - Record Yourself Often to See Your Progre