
Code The Basics\ 4:22 The assertEqual Method 16:08 The Purpose of Testing 23:16 Skipping Tests and Expected Failures 28:54 Assertions-assertNotEqual and Custom Error Messages 35:36 Assertions-Test Object Identity with assertIs and assertIsNot 38:52 Assertions-Test Truthiness and Falsiness (assertTrue and assertFalse) 42:23 Assertions-Test Nullness (assertIsNone and assertIsNotNone) 44:42 Assertions-Test Inclusion with assertIn and assertNotIn 50:29 Assertions-Test Object Type (assertIsInstance and assertNotIsIstance) 55:26 Assertions-Test Errors with assertRaises 1:02:03 The setUp and tearDown Methods 1:13:18 The setUpClass and tearDownClass Methods Code Mocking\ 1:18:59 Intro to Mocking with the Mock Class 1:31:55 The return_value Attribute 1:39:46 The side_effect Attribute 1:49:25 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Creating Mocks 1:56:25 The Mock vs MagicMock Objects 2:06:12 Mock Calls 2:16:31 Putting It All Together 2:31:20 Verifying Doubles 2:44:39 Patch I The patch Function 3:06:10 Patch II The @patch Decorator 3:10:18 Patch III What patch Patches Texas Hold’em Poker\ 3:19:01 Introduction to the Section The Rules of Poker 3:40:34 Test-Driven Development (TDD) 3:59:10 Setting Up Our Project 4:09:54 The Card Class I Adding Initial Attributes 4:22:33 The Card Class II String Representation and Technical Representation 4:34:16 The Card Class III Adding all Ranks and Suits 4:49:26 Building out the Start File 4:53:26 The Deck Class I Storing and Adding Cards 5:10:01 The Card Class IV Creating 52 Cards 5:40:11 The Hand Class I The High Card Rank 6:01:47 The Hand Class II The Pair Rank 6:17:14 The Hand Class III The Two Pair Rank 6:29:53 The Hand Class IV The Three of a Kind Rank 6:37:03 The Hand Class V Refactoring 6:58:04 The Hand Class VI The Straight Rank (Part 1) 7:27:25 The Hand Class VII The Straight Rank (Part 2) 7:57:09 The Hand Class VIII The Flush Rank 8:08:04 The Hand Class IX The Full House Rank 8:13:35 The Hand Class X The Four of a Kind Rank 8:17:44 The Hand Class XI The Straight Flush Rank 8:27:02 The Hand Class XII The Royal Flush Rank 8:33:10 Dependency Injection 8:48:22 The Player Class I Creating a Player with a Hand 9:06:04 Catching Two Bugs 9:32:58 The GameRound Class I Instantiation and Card Shuffle 10:06:18 The Deck Class II Removing Cards 10:21:10 The GameRound Class II Asking the Deck for Cards 10:33:11 Expanding Player and Hand Classes to Add New Cards 10:56:06 The GameRound Class III Sending Cards to the Players 11:10:06 Manual Testing Adding Hand Technical Representation and Deck Length 11:26:38 Implementing Fake Betting in the Player and GameRound Classes 11:43:37 Community Cards in Hand, Player and GameRound Classes