
Environment Preparation\ 0:00 Introduction 4:56 The IDE 9:23 Using the IDE Emails\ 25:11 Sending a Single Email with Python 33:02 (Solution) Sending an Email Periodically 34:30 Sending an Email Every Day at a Certain Time 41:12 Sending Emails to a CSV List of Contacts 52:32 Sending Emails with Attachments 56:08 Solution 57:55 Send an Email with Modified Attachment 1:11:12 Send Plain Text Email from Outlook or Hotmail Address 1:19:43 Send a Rich HTML Email from Outlook or Hotmail 1:29:05 Send Rich HTML Email with Attachment from Outlook or Hotmail Automation and Web Scraping\ 1:35:50 Scraping Simple Text with Selenium 1:51:50 Scraping Dynamic Value 2:03:59 Automate Login Process 2:15:17 (Exercise) Log in, Click, and Scrape 2:15:51 (Solution) Log in, Click, and Scrape 2:17:33 (Exercise) Log in, Click, Scrape, and Save in Text File 2:19:58 (Solution) Login, Click, Scrape and Save in Text File 2:29:36 (Exercise) Accessing an Online Retailer 2:30:34 (Solution) Accessing an Online Retailer 2:34:47 Download Stock Data for Any Company for Any Date 2:55:39 Scrape Real-Time Currency Rate with Beautiful Soup SMS\ 3:13:16 Send Single SMS 3:24:10 Send an SMS Periodically 3:26:00 Send an SMS Every Day at a Certain Timestamp Project #2\ 3:28:24 Project Solution (SMS) 3:43:20 Project Solution (Email) Python Tools\ 03:47:05 Introduction 3:48:17 Create and Publish a Website with Python in 2 Minutes 3:53:22 Using Deepnote 4:00:07 Notion Integration with Deepnote 4:05:14 Create and Publish Web Apps and Data Dashboards with Streamlit 4:20:35 Schedule Python Tasks on PythonAnywhere Processing\ 4:28:32 Convert Image to Grayscale 4:37:25 Solution 4:44:55 Resize Image 4:56:04 (Solution) Resize Multiple Imgaes 4:58:08 Detect Faces in Image 5:09:13 (Solution) Find Images with Faces 5:24:17 Adding Watermark to Image 5:36:40 Changing the Image Background 5:52:04 Create an Image Collage From Multiple Images Processing\ 6:13:07 Section Introduction 6:14:10 video 6:14:13 Calculate Video Info 6:19:42 video 6:19:45 Extract Image Frames 6:30:00 video 6:30:03 Solution Extract Frame at Specific Video Timestamp 6:41:24 video 6:41:27 Find Faces in Video 6:52:07 Detect Faces in Webcam and Record Webcam Video 6:57:39 Record Webcam Video and Play in Real-Time Project #3\ 7:04:14 video-sample 7:04:21 smile 7:04:24 Project Solution 1 Censoring Faces Using Blurred Area and Folder Operations\ 7:16:14 Intro to Python Pathlib Library 7:25:40 Add Prefix to All Filenames in Folder 7:36:42 Rename All Files Based on Folder 7:46:18 (Exercise) Rename All Files Based on Sub-Sub-Folders 7:48:06 (Solution) Rename All Files Based on Sub-Sub-Folders 7:52:15 (Exercise) Add Created Date to All Filenames in Folder 7:59:42 (Solution) Add Created Date to All Filenames in Folder 8:01:43 (Exercise) Change File Extensions 8:02:02 (Solution) Change File Extensions 8:04:35 Create Empty Files 8:06:39 Create Archive from Files 8:10:37 Extract All ZIP Files 8:16:05 (Exercsie) Search File in Computer 8:18:30 (Solution) Search File in Computer 8:20:30 Destroy files forever Processing\ 8:23:46 Introduction 8:26:48 Create New Text File and Add Content 8:34:20 Read Content from Text File 8:36:59 Remove Last Character from File 8:42:47 Remove Last Character from Multiple Files 8:47:06 Replace Word from Multiple Files 8:49:16 Merge TXT and CSV Files 8:53:52 Merge CSV Files Excluding the Header 9:01:19 Replace Line from TXT and CSV File Expressions\ 9:04:02 What are Regular Expressions 9:11:57 Regular Expressions Example 9:23:08 Meta Characters 9:35:07 Extract URLs Using Regex 9:43:39 Extract IP Addresses Using Regex 9:47:09 Filtering Files Language Processing\ 9:58:00 What is Natural Language Processing 9:59:59 Finding the Lemma of Words 10:08:21 Lemmatisation of Sentences 10:26:52 Finding the Most Similar Sentence 10:45:40 Sentiment Analysis Mood Analyzer \ 10:54:35 Wikipedia Chatbot Processing\ 11:10:16 Section Introduction 11:11:14 Working with Audio (Reversing, Volume Changing, Lopping, Slicing, and Silencing) 11:21:47 OverlayingMixing Music Audio 11:26:38 Adding Audio Effects, Low Pass Filter, Mono, and Stereo 11:31:51 Speech RecognitionConverting Speech to Text Project #4\ 11:36:01 Project Solution Finding the Mood of a Person from Audio with Google Sheets\ 11:41:34 Opening a Public Google Spreadsheet with Python 11:47:18 Opening a Private Google Spreadsheet with Python 11:59:46 Get Rows and Columns