
and Understanding Elasticsearch\ 0:00 Udemy 101_ Getting the Most From This Course 2:10 Section 1 Intro 2:55 Installing Elasticsearch [Step by Step] 20:40 Elasticsearch Overview 26:24 Intro to HTTP and RESTful API’s 38:19 Elasticsearch Basics_ Logical Concepts 40:23 Term Frequency _ Inverse Document Frequency (TF_IDF) 44:16 Using Elasticsearch 48:21 What’s New in Elasticsearch 7 52:09 How Elasticsearch Scales 59:42 Quiz_ Elasticsearch Concepts and Architecture 1:03:57 Section 1 Wrapup and Indexing Data\ 1:04:27 Section 2 Intro 1:05:04 Connecting to your Cluster 1:12:12 Introducing the MovieLens Data Set 1:16:12 Analyzers 1:24:44 Import a Single Movie via JSON _ REST 1:35:16 Insert Many Movies at Once with the Bulk API 1:40:50 Updating Data in Elasticsearch 1:47:23 Deleting Data in Elasticsearch 1:49:42 [Exercise] Insert, Update and Delete a Movie 1:54:00 Dealing with Concurrency 2:04:26 Using Analyzers and Tokenizers 2:15:19 Data Modeling and Parent_Child Relationships, Part 1 2:20:49 Data Modeling and Parent_Child Relationships, Part 2 2:27:49 Flattened Datatype 2:41:41 Dealing with Mapping Exceptions 2:55:00 Section 2 Wrapup with Elasticsearch\ 2:55:23 Section 3 Intro 2:55:53 _Query Lite_ interface 3:04:04 JSON Search In-Depth 3:14:23 Phrase Matching 3:20:51 [Exercise] Querying in Different Ways 3:25:22 Pagination 3:31:46 Sorting 3:39:46 More with Filters 3:43:26 [Exercise] Using Filters 3:46:12 Fuzzy Queries 3:52:23 Partial Matching 3:57:59 Query-time Search As You Type 4:02:05 N-Grams, Part 1 4:07:27 N-Grams, Part 2 4:15:39 _Search as you Type_ Field Type 4:26:15 Section 3 Wrapup Data into your Index - Big or Small\ 4:26:36 Section 4 Intro 4:27:26 Importing Data with a Script 4:35:49 Importing with Client Libraries 4:42:30 [Exercise] Importing with a Script 4:46:32 Introducing Logstash 4:51:27 Installing Logstash 5:00:30 Running Logstash 5:05:47 Logstash and MySQL, Part 1 5:13:48 Logstash and MySQL, Part 2 5:21:36 Importing CSV Data with Logstash 5:35:49 Importing JSON Data with Logstash 5:56:32 Logstash and S3 6:04:34 Parsing and Filtering Logstash with Grok 6:19:29 Logstash Grok Examples for Common Log Formats 6:53:47 Logstash Input Plugins, Part 1_ Heartbeat 7:01:21 Logstash Input Plugins, Part 2_ Generator Input and Dead Letter Queue 7:13:06 Logstash Input Plugins, Part 3_ HTTP Poller 7:21:00 Logstash Input Plugins, Part 4_ Twitter 7:29:58 Syslog with Logstash Deep Dive 7:43:22 Elasticsearch and Apache Hadoop 8:13:29 Elasticsearch and Kafka, Part 1 8:19:33 Elasticsearch and Kafka, Part 2 8:25:36 Elasticsearch and Apache Spark, Part 1 8:34:02 Elasticsearch and Apache Spark, Part 2 8:40:01 [Exercise] Importing Data with Spark 8:48:55 Section 4 Wrapup \ 8:49:32 Section 5 Intro 8:50:31 Aggregations, Buckets, and Metrics 9:00:50 Histograms 9:08:36 Time Series 9:14:44 [Exercise] Generating Histogram Data 9:19:12 Nested Aggregations, Part 1 9:25:21 Nested Aggregations, Part 2 9:34:06 Section 5 Wrapup Kibana\ 9:34:30 Section 6 Intro 9:34:51 Installing Kibana 9:39:33 Playing with Kibana 9:49:46 [Exercise] Exploring Data with Kibana 9:53:11 Kibana Lens 10:08:02 Kibana Management 10:18:30 Elasticsearch SQL 10:27:32 Using Kibana Canvas 10:52:53 Section 6 Wrapup Log Data with the Elastic Stack\ 10:53:14 Section 7 Intro 10:53:46 Data Frame Transforms 11:10:21 FileBeat and the Elastic Stack Architecture 11:18:00 X-Pack Security 11:21:17 Installing FileBeat 11:27:21 Analyzing Logs with Kibana Dashboards 11:37:19 [Exercise] Log analysis with Kibana 11:42:51 Section 7 Wrapup Operations\ 11:43:22 Section 8 Intro 11:44:01 Choosing the Right Number of Shards 11:49:17 Adding Indices as a Scaling Strategy 11:53:25 Index Alias Rotation 11:57:24 Index Lifecycle Management 11:59:39 Choosing your Cluster’s Hardware