US Just SHUT DOWN Antartica After Drone Captured What No One Was Supposed To See

US Just SHUT DOWN Antartica After Drone Captured What No One Was Supposed To See Did you know that the Antarctic Treaty, effective from June 23, 1961, prohibits military activity in Antarctica? Yet, the number of military bases over its dark ice shelves is increasing every day. A few moments ago a simple drone flight by scientists uncovered something huge. It wasn't just ice breaking away. It was a secret so big, the U.S. had to hide it. What could they be possibly doing in the icy continent of Antarctica? Join us while we shed some light onto this dark secret the US doesn’t want you to know. In the first month of 2015, a journalist named Linda Moulton Howe found herself deep into a peculiar story from Antarctica. This discovery came about when she got an email from a man named Brian. Brian was not just anyone; he was a retired flight engineer who had worked for the US Navy. His story wasn't from recent times but from his experiences in the cold, icy lands of Antarctica during the 1980s and 1990s. Brian had a tale to tell that was far from ordinary. Over his career, he had flown over the icy continent of Antarctica for more than 4,000 hours. It was during these long hours in the air that he encountered something that he couldn't explain, something that seemed like it came out of a science fiction story. He told Linda about the most extraordinary thing he had seen. Imagine flying over a vast expanse of ice and suddenly spotting a perfectly round hole cut into the ice sheet. This was not just any hole; it was huge and led down to what appeared to be a cave that emitted a mysterious glow from within. This part of his story already sounds like something out of a fantasy book, but what happened next was even more bizarre.