Golden City (English cover)

English cover version (2005) of a famous Russian song (originally performed by A. Khvostenko and widely known through the interpretation by Boris Grebenshchikov). Original lyrics by Anri Volokhonsky adapted by BG; music by V. Vavilov; translation based on the version by M. Morozov. Beneath the pale blue sky, a golden city's placed, with gates as clear as crystal glass and with a star ablaze. A garden blossoms there, with flowers far and wide, and fascinating animals are wandering inside. One beast is like a yellow fiery lion, another is an ox all full of eyes, and the third of them is Golden Eagle gazing from the heavens unforgettably. And from that sky of blue, a star is shining through. My angel, look! This star is yours, it always shines for you. Beloved are those who love, and blessed those giving light. The shining star will guide you to the garden of delight. The yellow fiery lion will greet you there, together with the blue ox full of eyes. You will also meet the golden eagle gazing from the sky so unforgettably.