4/20/2015 -- EU building FIVE new “HAARP type“ arrays -- 50,000 antennas called EISCAT 3D

Big news in the world of science. Europe is building five new antenna arrays to take the lead in RF (radio frequency) “research“. Full website post covering these 5 new VHF arrays being built, each array is to consist of 10,000 dipole elements per array! (absolutely huge) .. total of 50,000 antennas, talk of going up to 100,000! The new program is called EISCAT 3D -- called “5th generation RADAR“. All five stations are designed to cross beams to interact with each other (scalar potential). Stations to be located in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. This overall array is MUCH larger than the IRI antenna instrument at HAARP in Gakona Alaska, and working on FM frequency bands (VHF - very high frequency) instead of lower HF bands like at HAARP. In otherwords, bigger facilities, multiple facilities, and on a higher frequency b