2024-10-23 _ die letzte HALBESTUNDE auch deutsch _ ENGLISH search HUMAN RIGHTS in the US 1967 there being born most likely

DEUTSCHENGLISH === ... the last half an hour of this video is German only, but it is never a translation only (!) Please consider I do not know the “Merkel system“ not a bit - that could be “a false play“, maybe taking my “advocatus diabolus“ COMPIC STRIPS like for “THE DALTONS“ WITH LUCKY LUKE too literally - that had been for “the movies“, that was never for “real life“ intended! In German: “als Jugendlicher war ich schon bereit, “mich einsetzen“ zu lassen, aus heutiger NEUER SICHT muss ich aber von VERSCHIEDENEN SEITEN VERSCHIEDEN “BETROGEN“ WORDEN SEIN, vielleicht sogar durch den “weitergereichten“ Betrug (ERST HEUTE ERKENNE ICH DIE RELATIV EINFACH WAHRHEIT: O-MA=ELSE=VIKTORIA LUISE, MAMA=DOROTHEA=JOHANNA MARINA, die nicht gestorben sondern “gerettet“ wurde, weil sie wohl als Erbin “weg sollte“ ?!) That is still stunning CALCULATION by me (DIET. JOH. FRIEDRICH N.) being born in MANHATTAN? if there my very private “raising“ “nurse“ MRS CELINE MARSHALL had been professionally and private caring for me (I recognized her face from the internet!) ... was it as her CALLING (live mission)?, to support the CALLING OF MR MARSHALL as well, the well knows CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST (did I record that right? (I must have been light as 500g only !?), ... that Mr Marshall’s parents had been bought by a “TRAVELSMEN“ MILITARY “Mr Marshall“ that had the military rank as a “Marshall“ in the (know by be that named) KARL’S SYSTEM, or that being a calculation from me only also?). Please ask others (history interested NEW YORKERS / MANHATTANS) that know about a GERMAN ORIENTED SYSTEM in the U.S. there! Of course the distance toward the MILITARY CONFLICT 1939-45 in Europe (WORLD WAR II) was too short to my year being born (was it 1967 in Manhattan?) to be without any NEGATIVE “INFLUENCE“ ... officially it is recorded in 1968 here in Germany, that is (only now understood) maybe false !?; me trying to correct that for a long time already (then doing it out of precaution with less effort therefore), please help me with funds as well PAYPAL ME / BRESLAUFRIENDS (but even being persuaded maybe ... please do not disturb people even more (by all means NOT), as there were rumors that there had been turmoil in connection with the “giving birth“ of my “mothers“ ELSE-VIKTORIA and DOROTHEE-JOH-MARINA (“my“ both by their free will “pregnancy sharers“) and that there could have been CRIMINAL plans to harm “them“ with poisoned food (BABY FOOD TAMPERED?), it was said, “others“ ate it and had to bee “paid for the damage“ done to them - BUT THIS WAS A SIDE NOTE ONLY like a “rumor“ here in the 1980s, I never had any papers seen about it - was it one of the many “tales“ only? where “cultures fight each other“?). Here is much private DETECTIVE WORK necessary ALSO (!) ... DEUTSCH/GERMAN: am Ende weise ich ungefähr eine halbe Stunde (weil das ja klar ein an der “deutschen-Wurzel-orientiertes“ Thema ist, dann auf deutsch) auf die Problematik in Zusammenhang damit hin - aber bitte nicht “verkomplizieren“, denn “Diversität“ und “Differenzierungsvermögen“ waren schon immer “anerkannte Facetten“ des Lebens (c) “FRIEDRICH-VIER“, der die “VIER“ wegen des Verständnisses, daß “man“ mich wohl wirklich hinter FRIEDRICH-III ggf. hatte “einreihen“ wollen !?