2024-06-09 _ BRAIN-STORM 1-2 From Belief to unknown Harry _ WHY ALL THAT HIDDEN _ technical trouble

Mit technischen Problemen aufgenommen (deswegen sind die Lippen nicht synchron). Fakt ist bisher, dass ich “den Adel“ persönlich nicht weiter kenne (nur kurze Kontakte hatte es gegeben, keine Vertiefung), es gab “Einladungen“ und kurze Gespräche zwischendurch ohne größere Beachtung und natürlich besonders dadurch auch ohne irgendwie ein persönliches Interesse aneinander; DENN hätten “diese Herrschaften“ gewußt, daß ich extrem unter Geldmangel gelitten hatte mein ganzes Leben lang, wäre das “anders gewesen“? Fakt ist: nur deswegen hatte ich mir bisher kein Hochschulstudium leisten können. Deswegen bin ich auch Zeit meines Lebens (bisher) kein Freund des Adels (gewesen), allerdings auch nicht der bundesdeutschen Politik, die hatten mich ja Anfang der 90er Jahre mit einer eindeutigen Frage nach meiner Abstammung in dem falschen Glauben gelassen (Kohl, Schröder, Laschet), daß meine Mutter ELSE sich in die Rolle einer Adels-Vertretung hineingesteigert hätte, rückblickend SEHR EMPÖREND (!) Über meine Mutter Dorothea (Joh.v .H.) hatte ich auch nichts in Erfahrung bringen können (ELENDIG, hätte man UNBEKANNTES EIGENTUM, Erbrechte oder Vermächtnisse irgendwie auch nur angerührt, das wäre illegal und in Verletzung meiner Persönlichkeits- bzw. Eigentumsrechte, auch hatte es in den STAATEN keinen gegeben, der das gedurft hätte, dort gab es einmal die Legende eines angeblichen Bruders gehört aus der “Vather Knows Best“ Show, was sicher erfunden sein muss (ABER WARUM?). Ich muss nicht betonen, dass ich extrem empört wäre, wenn man mich unverschämterweise irgend einem Adelshaus zugeordnet hätte, es hatte z.B. zwar bis ungefähr 1982 Wanderausflüge gegeben... ENGLISH: Recorded with technical problems (that’s why the lips are not synchronized). IT’S ABOUT RE-EVALUATING THE TRACES AGAIN, THIS TIME FROM JUNE 09, 2024. The fact is so far that I had not known nobility - including this for me unknown Harry - personally there was no relation and he is nor recognized as a relative (there had been very brief contacts, but no deepenings), there were “invitations“ (but those children were much older though than Harry and Williams) and short conversations in between were without too much sense (there was asking, if I were interested to join a team ... but habing other plans like studying, I refused because of a not known ancestry, now first I need Freedom, then solid documents and “TREU GLAUBEN“ (faithfulness) because of feeling exploted (a Missionary among the “nobility“) from around 1992 onward I was totally with no interest any more, till 2020 ff I stubled across unbelievingly hurting “traces“ showing I was SURELY TRICKED BADLY (!); WHY would “those gentlemen“ have had NO interest that I had suffered extremely from lack of money all my life ??? (from 1967-2024 IT WAS EXCACTLY THAT ... hopefully with your help no further, here a channel to help give me a “FREIWILLIGES HONORAR FÜR MEINE AUTORENTÄTIGKEIT“: www paypal me/breslaufriends , bitte Punkte dazwischensetzen), the fact is: GREAT LACK OF MONEY (POWERTY) is the only reason I’ve never been able to afford a university degree. SEEING THOSE WEALTHY “KNOWING“ ME AND NEVERTHELESS WITHOUT HELPING ME... THAT IS THE REASON I’ve never (been) a friend of the aristocratic/“rich men’s“ level in my life (so far), but I am not a friend of German politics either: in the early 1990s, they (Kohl, Schröder, Laschet) made me believe, that my mother ELSE had taken on the role of a representative of the aristocracy (s a dream), which in retrospect leaves me very perplexed NOW KNOWING THAT MOST LIKELY THAT WAS A BLATANT LIE (!) I had not been able to find out anything about my mother Dorothea (.) either ... MOST LIKELY BLATANT illegal and a violation of my personal or property rights (THEN FROM DENMARK AND NETHERLANDS AND OTHERS LIKE BENELUX / LIECHTENSTEIN ... AS WELL (!)), and there was also no one in the U.S. who would have been allowed to do that, guest parents NOT and NO other “Christian“ “brothers“ (!), there was once the legend of an alleged brother inside the “Father Knows Best“ show (that could not be true, because I know no one there (!) ... I would be extremely outraged if I had been impertinently falsely ILLEGALLY assigned (that would be without knowing it as well) to any aristocratic- / nobility- house(s), especially any foreign aristocratic house (GB, NL, DK, BE, LUX, LIECH, IT, GR, ... and all the others, German includced, I AM NEVER WANTED TO BE IN ANY HOUDE OR TRIBE OR CLOSED GROUP), I would take it extremely badly, for example... indeed, there had been a few hiking trips in Sweden until about 1982, later I had played a small guest role in Westerns from time to time (that was okay), but I generally felt like a missionary among unbelievers.