Tragedy in Belarus Now! The worst flood in history submerges the train station in Minsk

Tragedy in Belarus Now! The worst flood in history submerges the train station in Minsk Due to heavy rain, flooding was recorded throughout the capital, Minsk. Highways were flooded in many areas and traffic was stopped, including disruption to public transport schedules, according to eyewitnesses at the scene. Park Chelyuskintsev metro station was temporarily closed due to bad weather. According to eyewitnesses, water was flowing in. One of the metro entrances at Vostok station was also closed, eliminating the impact of flooding. #minsk #belarus #flashflood #flood #storm #flooding #heavyrain #hail #strongwind #wind #weather #tornado #climatechange #cyclone #news #usa #badweather #earth Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hail storm, wind storm, climate change, weather warning, volcano, cyclone, bad weather, weather news today, compilation of natural disasters, natural disasters caught on camera The videos published are for informational purposes. If you find a copyrighted video, please to contact us via email: hagweathernews@