Malèna - L’Autunno (Autumn)

Malèna (2000)set to Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) : Concerto No. 3 in F major, Op. 8, RV 293, “L'Autunno“ (Autumn) , III. Allegro (1725) Sonnet Text + Italian/ English Translation: Celebra il Vilanel con balli e Canti - Celebrates the peasant, with songs and dances, Del felice raccolto il bel piacere - The pleasure of a bountiful harvest. E del liquor de Bacco accesi tanti - And fired up by Bacchus' liquor, Finiscono col Sonno il lor godere. - many end their revelry in sleep. Fà ch' ogn' uno tralasci e balli e canti -Everyone is made to forget their cares and to sing and dance L' aria che temperata dà piacere, - By the air which is tempered with pleasure E la Staggion ch' invita tanti e tanti-And (by) the season that invites so many, many D' un dolcissimo Sonno al bel godere.- Out of their sweetest slumber to fine enjoyment cacciator alla nov' alba à caccia -The hunters emerge at the ne