Bibi was worried when he peed on the bed!

Bibi was worried when he peed on the bed! Continuing the previous episode. Bibi took a shower then went to bed without wearing a diaper. He fell asleep so he peed on the bed. When he woke up he was extremely worried and ran to call his father. Dad came up to see it and thought it was very funny. Dad let Bibi wash and then get dressed and he put the bed sheet on.------------------------------------ Welcome to Bibi Monkey channel Channel sharing about the daily life of Bibi monkey! Hope you have a good time watching Bibi. Thank you for watching! ☞Join channel members to support the Bibi Monkey to have more : ☞ Subscribe to receive the latest video notifications AND Don't forget to share the Bibi Monkey with your family. ☞ Donated to BiBi Monkey with Paypal: © Copyright by Bibi Monkey #Bibimonkey #Animals #Cutemonkey