Shamisen 三味線 X Funk Bass【Road Trip with a Cat Driver】Background Music for Studying, or Driving

※This video features images and music that were both generated using AI, followed by post-production editing. Hi everyone! Lately, I've been too busy with work and haven't been able to update as frequently as before, so I apologize for that. In this efficiency-driven and hectic world, many of us tend to put too much pressure on ourselves, becoming impatient. But life is like a marathon or a long road trip—taking it slow is the way to go further. Sometimes, relaxing a bit and maybe even letting the cat take the wheel could be a good option! 嗨,大家好!最近因為工作太忙,沒辦法像以前那樣頻繁更新內容,真的很抱歉。在這個講求效率和繁忙的社會中,大家或許都給了自己過多的壓力,變得急躁不安。但其實,人生就像是一場馬拉松,或者是一趟長途自駕旅行,慢慢前行才能走得更遠。適當放鬆一下,或許把駕駛交給身邊的貓咪,也是不錯的選擇! Album Name: Road Trip with a Cat Driver Listen on the following music platforms: Album Name: Road Trip with a Cat Driver Track List: Track 1: Sunset Drive (00:00) Track 2: Groovin' Strings (03:25) Track 3: Funky Horizons (04:57) Track 4: Silk Road Beats (08:57) Track 5: Shamisen Soul (10:55) Track 6: Bass & Blossoms (14:36) Track 7: Electric Zen (16:49) Track 8: Kimonos & Funk (18:14) Track 9: Riding the Groove (20:43) Track 10: Road to Saturn (22:09) #shamisen #bass #funk