BREAKING: New Data indicate Eruption could be imminent or the opposite ? WHAT is happening in Italy

Here is the latest update about the Super volcano in Italy , Campi Flegrei, near Naples and over 3 Million people who would be at risk should that volcano blow up. Is it imminent ? f you would like to support my Channel (me, Rudi and my Farm) it is greatly appreciated, coffee helps 😁🍵 THANK YOU SO MUCH ! 🍵🍵🍵😊 Hey, do you want more behind the scenes and exclusive updates ? Become a member of my Channel and JOIN here: #volcano #volcaniceruption #supervolcano #naples #CampiFlegrei #Phlegraean Fields #vesuvius #Italy #vulkan #Neapel #napoli #vulkane #Italien #vulkanausbruch #naturaldisaster #Italien Damages Video credit to RAI : Videos credit to , , Eruption Simulation credit to INGV Related Study and graphics, maps and pict