How the New York Times Lies about the Crisis in Myanmar

The New York Times is notorious for promoting deceptive narratives designed to help advance otherwise indefensible US foreign policy objectives. In Myanmar the NYT and others are trying to portray the US-backed opposition as pro-democracy freedom fighters, but also as victims of a brutal military regime. In reality virtually every organization and individual mentioned by the NYT is connected directly to the US government and funding they receive through organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy. The opposition represents proxies of Washington attempting to hijack the nation, its people, its resources, and its foreign policy. “Democratic Voice of Burma” employee Ko Aung Kyaw claims he was tortured by Myanmar’s military led government. In reality, nothing about his story can be verified, yet the New York Times reported it anyway all while conveniently failing to mention his US government funding. These daily videos (Monday to Friday) are published first for Platinum Sponsors and above first,