BUSHCRAFT TRIP - Winter Camping, Shelter Building, Clay Fireplace, Underground Heating System

Hi ! my dear friend. Thank you for visiting me. This video will show bushcraft, the creation of things and tools from natural materials. Building shelter, winter snow camp and much more. I made clay bricks, I waited until they dried out a little. Built a brick stove for a future shelter. Sharpened a stone, made a hole in a stick. Created a stone ax. After chopped a wood and built a shelter. From the sticks I put together a bed. To make it more comfortable to sleep, I laid grass on top. The clay fireplace worked perfectly. He did not crumble and heated the camp well. Tried to make a cord pump drill. The weighting agent for the drill was made of clay, when using a drill, the clay shattered into pieces. After made a weighting drill from stones - Tested the tool again, it worked. Crafted shoes from a bast. In Russia, in ancient times, such shoes were made of birch or linden. I made from linden, as it is easier than from birch bark. I put dry grass in my shoes to make them softer for my feet and a little warmer. I made myself a toothbrush and a paste of spruce needles - Not very tasty, but it will do. From nettle I got fiber, after I made ropes. Built a loom in the middle of a snowy forest and sewed a fabric for himself. I hope you enjoy the video :) and you will come back to watch future videos.