Israel in the News (Zechariah 14:1-4) - Nations Aligning Against Israel | End Times Prophecy

Israel is in the news! The nations are aligning against Jerusalem. Why is the nation of Israel so hated? The prophecy of Zechariah 14 reads, “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle...“ (v. 2). Join Dr. Randal Reese as he discusses four end time prophecies concerning Jerusalem: 1) The Rebuilding of the Next Temple (2 Thessalonians 2) 2) The Resentment of the Nations (Zechariah 14:1-4; Daniel 11:40-45; Psalm 83:1; Ezekiel 38-39; Revelation 16:12) 3) The Restoring of Peace 4) The Returning to Israel ******* WATCH NEXT “Gog and Magog - All Eyes on Russia (Ezekiel 38) | End Times Prophecy | Until That Day“ here ➡ 📒 Other Videos from Until That Day 📒 1️⃣ (Video) Who Are the Tribulation Saints - The Great Multitude of Revelation 7 (Rev. 7:9-17) 2️⃣ (Video) Megiddo - Racing Toward Armageddon