Pandas Aren’t Real

“Pandas aren’t real”: That’s the viral claim going around social media after TikTok user “RamenRider” talked about a mysterious panda conspiracy, which Metaphysical then dubbed the Pandela Effect. But what if it’s not just a conspiracy theory? What if up until very recently, pandas weren’t real at all? Were pandas bred? Were pandas genetic creations in a weird, 1800s Franken-lab? Are pandas actually just people in bear costumes? When Rob Counts started digging into this past the initial sensational claims, it went so deep, he couldn’t believe what he found. 1) Pandas’ anatomies make absolutely no sense. 2) Pandas are completely missing from ancient Chinese art and culture. 3) Pandas are so valuable today that they’re used as international political bargaining chips by the Chinese government. Metaphysical had to get to the bottom of where pandas come from, and a combo of science, history, and spirituality might just give us the holistic picture that’ll solve this panda puzzle. In this epis