Horror Stories: Ghosts

Legends and Myths: Ghosts A ghost is, in traditional beliefs, the soul or spirit of a deceased person or mythical creature, manifesting itself in visible or other form in real life (from invisible and intangible presence to practically realistic observations). Deliberate attempts to contact the spirit of a deceased person are called séances or, more narrowly, necromancy. Belief in spirits and ghosts (animism) is widespread among humanity: it is present in the culture of almost all peoples and apparently goes back to the worship of the spirits of deceased ancestors. Also, in many religions there are special rituals and burial traditions carried out to calm the souls of the dead. The concept is also associated with the cult of ancestors. Although in most cases the souls of dead people are called ghosts, there are many beliefs and legends about the ghosts of animals, ships, planes, entire armies and cities. The concept of “ghost” generalizes a whole class of phenomena that appare