Does the US Israel have everything to do with ISIS?

Does the US Israel have everything to do with ISIS? George Galloway “I smelt a rat as soon as I saw the news of the mass murder in Kerman. They (United States) are the allies of ISIS in Syria. They backed ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the alphabet soup of Takfiri fanatic extremism In Syria for a whole decade. They gave them air cover, they gave them weapons, they gave them money, they gave them propaganda and other diplomatic support. Not since Britain and the United States supported Pol Pot in the United Nations as the legitimate holder of the Cambodian seat in the UN, have these western countries been so deeply involved with an organisation so foul, so evil.” #ISIS #Lebanon #UnitedStates #Israel #FYP #Watch all of the latest #No2Nato #No2War broadcast featuring professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi, former British Ambassador Peter Ford, and George Galloway here: YouTube Rumble