Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.

ARCHKO VOLUME or ARCHEOLOGICAL WRITINGS OF THE SANHEDRIM AND TALMUDS OF THE JEWS is a collection of texts dating from the first century, discovered in the XIXth century in Constantinopole - they have been translated in English and published in 1913, then preserved in the Library of Vatican. Downloaded from The testimony of Pilate appears to be in full agreement with the biblical Gospels and also with the New Revelation through Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer ( The Great Gospel of John) - ref: %20-%20NR%20-%20ABOUT%20LORDS%20DEATH%20AND%20RESURRECTION/page/n1/mode/2up This is a clear confirmation of the supernatural event of the Lord's resurrection which is today also attested with scientific means of investigation of the shroud of Turin. See, for ex.: In case of interest, please see also: On the New Revelation & Acta Pilate (Archko Vol) - Responding to Critics Note: As it has been pointed out that some scholarly expertise would be needed to consider the reliability of this text, here is the answer: This letter is presented on the ground of the agreement with the New Revelation (and implicitly, also with the scriptural gospels whose content is comprised in these teachings). So this is based on the faith in the New Revelation and the Bible as representing the Word of God, which makes any scholars' testimonies not necessary, though not automatically disproving them. Of course, however, everybody is free to go primarily by theology or archaelogy or whatever else humans do in order to understand and control the world. One consideration still, is not to be forgotten. Money rule this world via the original sin of self-love, and because of this corruption is always possible. The truth that a loving heart and a living conscience can recognise is the Truth and the living manifestation of our Creator. Therefore who knows in the heart as a recognition of love, knows for ever and no scholars or religious authorities can shake or undo that.