A Manufactured Illusion: Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

The COVID Fraud is Over. The Illusion of Demand- from the Anthrax attacks to Covid19 (at 1:14:07) Intentional Release of a Respiratory Pathogen (at 39:58) CDC committing bribery (at 17:01) RICO and Racketeering (at 21:55) There is NO Delta Variant (at 56:15) Evidence COVID Was Deliberate and For-Profit: “The New Normal Campaign“ by Merck Began began on 1/6/04 (at 34:50) Dr. Peter Daszak (at 30:50) 73 patents of Covid vaccine were created before ALL SARS, MERS and COVID19 outbreaks. (at 27:25) Video on Odysee: @thisweekinfascism:3/