Alex Collier - UFO Hypothesis - 1994

Alex Collier was interviewed in 1994 by Rick Keefe from UFO Hypotheses. A legacy presentation from Andromedan contactee Alex Collier describes his face-to-face contacts with blue-skinned human ETs from the Andromeda constellation and the Andromeda galaxy, which have included multiple visits aboard their tremendous motherships and decades of telepathic contact. In this truly incredible interview, Mr Collier describes how the contacts began, and then goes into great detail describing the Andromedan civilization and their Council to which the Pleiadian ETs appealed for assistance in dealing with a dangerous, malevolent ET confederation plaguing humanity and much of the galaxy. Mr Collier goes on to explain the details of the “Earth dilemma“ and describes in detail the members of this malevolent ET confederation consisting of reptilian ETs from Alpha Draconis, the Orion Group, and the grey ETs from Zeta Reticuli 2. Mr Collier does not hold anything back in demonstrating how the Alpha Draconian reptilian ETs have manipulated humanity into a nearly invisible system of servitude for aeons, feeding off of our labor and our bodies through the wars that they instigate and the hostile belief systems which they foster in the form of religious and social institutions. For the latest information regarding Alex Collier please visit: #alexcollier #andromedan #starseed #alien #contactee