S4E61 | Poppy Joy & Marie Freeman: SoulLight Power & Connection In Healing from Satanic Ritual Abuse

Today I’m honored to introduce to you a testimony of hope and healing through survival and teamwork brought to you by an incredible duo who are both here today to share the struggles and triumphs of healing from satanic ritual abuse. Introducing our first guest: Satanic ritual abuse and mind control survivor, first generational New Zealander credentialed counselor with a specialization in Narrative Therapy, communication skill small group training course facilitator, traditional herbal medicine advocate, retreat co-facilitator, and healing warrior, Poppy Joy And our second guest: 50-year-old Kiwi Mother, healer helping survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse and extreme trauma specializing in Brandon Bay’s ‘The Journey’ method of emotional release and cellular healing, and intuitive empath helping survivors to recover themselves and take over their soul-light power: Marie Freeman Poppy and Marie are here today to share with you an incredible journey of healing from unfathomable events. Poppy i