Europe Begged Africa With Alliance Offer But Failed Woefully

The West has been running helter-skelter for months now; they don’t want to lose their influence in Africa, and why is this so? Europe will be nothing without access to African resources. This anxiety among European leaders is rooted in the ongoing global power shift, particularly in Africa, where China's presence is steadily expanding and Russia has recently increased its involvement. So, in their continuous attempt not to lose influence in Africa, the European Union President, Ursula von der Leyen, during the Africa Climate Change summit in Nairobi, Kenya, held in September made an offer for Europe to be an ally of Africa but failed woefully. What was her offer about, and how did this attempt fail? Let's get to know. We create and share videos that focus on African and black communities, exploring both historical events and current trends. Our content delves into black and African history and features analyses of speeches by African leaders and activists, offering critical insights into their messages. We also cover the continent's current situation and activities, including news developments in African countries. Please note that all materials used in our videos, such as images, pictures, and footage, adhere strictly to YouTube's fair use policy or are used under Creative Commons license. Our purpose is rooted in education. Join us on this enlightening journey by subscribing, engaging, and being part of the conversation. If you have any inquiries or wish to contact us, please feel free to do so via email.