June 2, 2019: Interfaith Service at Bedford United Church with our Muslim Friends

Welcome to an interfaith inspired service of BUC this morning and a special welcome to all our Muslim friends joining us today. Sayed Mohammed Al-Qazwini is no stranger to Bedford United Church. He is visiting our dear friends at Al Rasoul Islamic Center across the street for part of Ramadan and he hails from the great state of Michigan. We are blessed to welcome such an inspiring preacher and gifted leader today. Sayed Mohammed will bring together teachings from the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus which reinforce that our common humanity must come before all other ways of identifying ourselves. What would the world be like if we saw one another this way? How might our faith traditions change if we saw one another this way? How then shall we live and what kind of world are we called to create with God for generations to come? …they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more