Суд выселяет россиян из единственного жилья#The court evicts Russians from the only housing

#суд#закон#конституция Одинцовский городской суд выселяет семью россиян из единственного жилья. Odintsovo city Court evicts the family from the only housing. The other day, a meeting was held on the eviction of a family of 3 people from their only home. This is Russia today. I want to tell you for someone sad, but ordinary in the news stream, and for someone the TRAGIC story of this ordinary average Russian family. A young man from the hinterland was called up for military service, which he passed in the Moscow region. Of course, for him it was a real opportunity to escape from a dying village, where a collective farm (or a state farm, I don't know for sure) had already been destroyed, residents were leaving their homes, unemployment. Well, however, as in tens of thousands of other villages and villages, from which a mass exodus to large cities continued at that time. Exile from paradise - that's how Vasily Melnichenko put it about this process. This young man remained on long-term service, received the rank of ensign. He got married, got official housing in the form of a dorm room. He found his wife from the locals, she went to kindergarten, to school in this locality, I graduated from university and worked in the field of education. A child was born. Well, everything is like all completely ordinary, typical families. For some time, a room of 12 sq.m. suited them, while they are young, and the child is small, you don't particularly notice a certain discomfort from cramped conditions. They hoped for the future, both were in line to receive more comfortable housing. This story began 25 years ago in the late 90s. The hope of getting housing is still alive as a phantom memory from the Soviet past, the salaries are scanty, the military received then as cleaners. And the head of the family decided to quit after 8 years of service. But something went wrong as he expected, or vice versa as everyone else. It turned out not everything was simple, somewhere they paid little, somewhere they threw at all, somewhere they were not satisfied with working conditions, somewhere they lacked qualifications. What the hell is a mortgage, and even more so buying your own apartment. The child grew up, got a higher education, and they continued to live in this 12-meter room. Already andThere is no hope left. The woman was left without a job, their municipal institution was liquidated. They were thrown out of the queue for the apartment. Health problems began and as a result, the 2nd disability group with a social pension of 12 thousand. But it turned out that this is not the last test. The dorm with their room has changed ownership. Or a management company. In principle, it does not matter. The cleaning of the rows, i.e. the housing stock, has begun. And a notice came to this family, in which they demanded to vacate the occupied premises. And then there is also a summons to the military enlistment office for my son. Well , how to release ? Where to go. And they continued to live until they received a subpoena. And since that moment, 3 court sessions have already taken place. The process lasts for the 4th month. The plaintiff demands to vacate the premises. It would seem under a plausible reason. Allegedly, officers of the Ministry of Defense serving in the garrison will live in these rooms. But we know perfectly well that the hostel is half-empty, there are a lot of rooms available now. Well , officers don 't want to live with families in the dorm. With their incomes, they prefer to rent more comfortable housing, especially since they are compensated for renting housing in accordance with the federal law On the status of a serviceman and the Order of the Minister of Defense No. 686 - 22 years almost completely. And now the main question that each of us should ask ourselves. What about article 40 of the Constitution? Everyone has the right to housing. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of a home. Low-income and OTHER citizens in need of housing, it is provided free of charge or for an affordable fee from state, municipal and other housing funds in accordance with the norms established by law. In addition to the Constitution and the Housing Code. Article 57. Provision of residential premises under social employment contracts to citizens registered as those in need of residential premises. Housing is provided on the basis of decisions of the local government.