INEMA HARMONY - Unẓur ‘ilayy | أنظر إليَّ (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO )

INEMA HARMONY - Unẓur ‘ilayy ( OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO ) السلام عليكم , هذه الانشودة هي تعاون جديد بين فريق هارموني والاخوة في انيما. نتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم و ان تنشروها اظهارا لحب نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. انتظروا مزيدا من التعاون بين هارموني و انيما قريبا. نسأل الله ان يعطينا القدرة لنشر الاسلام. AssalamuAlaikum, this song is a new collaboration between the Harmony Band and our brothers and sisters from Inema. We hope you like the song and share it to as many people you can reach out there to show our love to the Prophet. More collaborations between the Harmony Band and Inema are going to be published soon. May Allah give us the power to spread Islam to more and more people. Lyrics | الكلمات ‎*اُنْظُرْ إِلَيَّا ~ وَاعْطِفْ عَلَيَّا* Lihat diriki ~ dan kasihanilah aku Look upon me - And have sympathy for me ‎*فَالشَّوْقُ طَهَ ~ جَمٌّ لَدَيَّا* Kerinduan ini wahai nabi ~ melimpah padaku The longing O Tāha - Is abundant for you ‎*خَيْرَ الْبَرَايَا ~ عالي السَّجَايَا* Wahai sebaik-baik makhluq ~ wahai yang mulia budi bahasanya O best of creation - You are of a great moral character ‎*غَوْثَاهُ إِنِّيْ ~ رَاجِي الْعَطَايَا* Wahai penolongki ~ sungguh aku mengharapkan pemberian Aid me! - I seek the rewards ‎*يَا نُوْرَ دَرْبِيْ ~ هَلْ لِيْ بِقُرْبِ* Wahai sang penerang jalanku ~ bolehkah aku mendekat padaMu You are the light of my path - Will I ever attain closeness to you ‎*يَهْوَاكَ قَلْبِيْ ~ فَاعْطِفْ عَلَيَّا* Hatiku sangat merindukanMu ~ maka kasihanilah aku My heart adores you - So, have sympathy for me ‎*يَا خَيْرَ هَادِيْ ~ بَيْنَ الْعِبَادِ* Wahai penuntun terbaik ~ diantara semua manusia O best of those sent as guides - Amongst the people ‎*فِي الْوَجْهِ حُسْنٌ ~ وَالنُّوْرُ بَادِيْ* Di wajahNya ada keindahan ~ dan cahaya yang terang Your face shines of beauty - Its light is apparent ‎*أَنَا فِيْ حِمَاكَا ~ قَصْدِيْ رِضَاكَا* Aku dalam lindunganMu ~ yang ku damba adalah RidloMu I am in your protection - My aim is your acceptance ‎*هَبْنِيْ عَطَاكَا ~ وَاعْطِفْ عَلَيَّا* Berilah aku pemberianMu ~ dan kasihanilah aku Grant me your generosity - And have sympathy for me ‎*يَا مَنْ هَوَاهُ ~ جُوْدٌ وَجَاهُ* MencintaiNya adalah ~ anugerah dan kemuliaan O you whose love - is eminently beneficial ‎*وَالصَّبُّ نَادَىْ ~ فَمَتَىْ أَرَاهُ* Cinta ini seolah berteriak ~ kapan aku bisa melihatNya The heart proclaimed - When will I see him? ‎*أَنَا فِيْكَ شَادِيْ ~ وَهَوَاكَ زَادِيْ* Aku bersenandung tentangMu ~ dan bertambahlah cintaku padaMu I sing your praises - Your love is my provision ‎*فَارْحَمْ فُؤَادِيْ ~ وَاعْطِفْ عَلَيَّا* Mak sayangi hatiku ~ dan kasihani aku So, have mercy on my heart - and have sympathy for me I am in your protection - My aim is your acceptance #اُنْظُرْإِلَيَّا #inemaharmony #theharmonyband #inema #sholawat #theharmonyband #indonesia #music #fitriana #indonesiabersholawat #fitrianakamila Follow Instagram kami di : Inema : The Harmony Band : Fitriana kamila : Kareem Masaad : Executive produser : Ibnu Afandi 🎙Vocal : Fitriana Kamila & Kareem 🎵 Album : Sambut Ramadhanmu 🎵karya / Ciptaan : Ibnu Afandi 🎬 Director : Dee Habsar 🎥Video : Inema 🎹Music Arrangement : Kareem Masaad 🎦content creative : Maruli / Bang uwi