N. Korea conducts fourth cruise missile launch in 10 days, posing threat to S. Korea

북한, 사흘 만에 순항미사일 여러 발 서해상으로 발사 열흘 새 4차례 Good evening. Thank you for joining us. I'm Yoon Jung-min. We begin with North Korea firing another set of cruise missiles into the sea which have become all too frequent recently. Pyongyang has done so four times in less than two weeks. Bae Eun-ji starts us off. North Korea has once again fired cruise missiles toward waters off its west coast. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff says it detected the launch of several cruise missiles into the West Sea, at around 11 AM on Friday. It said the military has been closely coordinating with the U.S. to monitor additional signs of North Korean provocations,.. and that intelligence authorities of Seoul and Washington are currently conducting detailed analysis of the latest launch. Friday's launch was the North's fourth of a cruise missile in ten days. On January 24th, it fired its new strategic cruise missile, the “Pulhwasal-3-31,“ which means “fire arrow“ in Korean. Three days later, it tested the same type of missile from a submarine. Then earlier this week, its “Hwasal-2“ cruise missile, claiming that it was aimed at sharpening its counterattack and strategic strike capabilities. Cruise missiles are designed to fly at a low altitude, making them harder to detect and intercept. A retired submarine captain and the head of a submarine research institute says the recent series of cruise missile launches come as the regime sees this type of missile as an effective weapons system to pose a threat to South Korea. “Until now, North Korea has been showcasing nuclear weapons aimed at hitting long-range targets like the U.S. mainland. But now it's trying to show off measures that can directly strike South Korea, and cruise missiles are a highly suitable type of weapons system to achieve this.“ He added that in order for newly developed missiles to be ready for deployment, various tests need to be conducted intensively, and said such testing will likely continue for the time being. Bae Eun-ji, Arirang News. #NorthKorea #Missile #Cruise_missile #Provocation #북한 #순항미사일 #도발 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-02-02, 18:00 (KST)