Dr John Hall Interview: Illegal Surveillance, Mind Control, Remote Neural Monitoring

Dr. John Hall Interview - Mass Illegal Surveillance, Mind Control, Remote Neural Monitoring, Electromagnetic Weaponry Used on Americans. Dr. John Hall, author of “A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America” and “Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control.” In this interview Dr. Hall discusses the illegal surveillance programs running on many Americans and the use of remote neural monitoring, electromagnetic weaponry and psychological warfare. He discusses how organized gang stalking programs are used in combination with the technologies and weaponry to completely destroy a person’s life and keep control over a person or force them to live in a constant state of terror. These terror programs are running on Americans nationwide and some say they are global. These technologies are accessed by criminals and are being used to commit sex crimes, torture, harassment, stalking, theft, blackmail, break-ins, human trafficking and many other nefarious crimes in the United States of America. Americans need to seriously ask themselves what kind of future we have under this wicked illegal surveillance and theft of personal intellectual property, creativity, privacy, spirituality and self. Does Edward Snowden, Russell Tice or other NSA whistle blowers have the documents and will they be released? Why hasn’t there been a Congressional hearing on these crimes? Link to original video: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND RESEARCH: Link to Dr. John Hall’s website to purchase his books: Dr. John Hall interview on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report (hours 2 & 3): Are these technologies being used to provoke shootings? Link to “Manchurian Candidate: Conspiracy Theory or Real Threat”: Letter to White House - Documented delivery receipt of letter, notifying President Trump: