30 days Starving and building a cabin. Hungry Alaskan lessons

Beginning weight: Josh-178, Cody-184 Ending weight: Josh-151, Cody-162 Well at least we wont make that mistake again. After landing at the airport, we had 3 hours to retrieve bags buy food, and get additional tools. Eventually, the seemingly only taxi in the city arrived. Pressed for time and conscious of the bush plane’s weight restrictions, we purposefully decided against a chainsaw, and accidentally shorted ourselves of vital food supplies. We had filled large and medium sized bags with food thinking it would be enough... It was not. This is our story. Aug03. Landed at lake. Realized extent of mosquitoes. Began rucking the 400lbs of gear to property. Only made it 1 mile due to difficult marsh terrain and unmarked/ overgrown trails. Aug04. Re-cut old trail towards property (0.5 mile). Made camp and marked out a spot for the cabin. Aug05. Rucked back to lake and filled our 5 gal containers with water. Light rain. Began clearing land of small brush. Aug06. Heavy rain. Cleared large trees from site. Made hammers, tool shed, bench. Aug07. Began falling trees for footers. Dug holes and burned logs for longevity. Aug08. Slept in due to rain. We placed first base log, however it wasn't level so we'll have to redo longer footers tomorrow. Aug09. Re-did footers. Fell more base logs. Aug10. All 4 base logs are on. We realized that we'll have to get much smaller logs now. Moving the last log 100ft took 2 hours, and our energy is already low. Food rationing has started. Aug11. We both hit the wall today and had to stop working. Bushwhacked to lake. Wade fishing. No luck. Found canoe for tomorrow however. Aug12. Canoe fishing. Caught 5 pike. Found Lingonberries. Good day. Aug13-16. Notching and placing wall logs. Aug17. Halfway! Water ruck and fishing. No fish. Down to 800cal per day. Aug18-22. Finished walls. Finally Aug23. Fishing today. 3 pike. More berries. Great nap. Aug24. Awoke to the howling of wolves this morning. Placed side roof walls. Fell more trees for running beams. Down to 4~600cal per day. Aug25. Awoken by hunger this morning. Dreamed of Cookies. Secured side walls with trusses. Aug26. Best day of the trip so far. Good progress on the roof. Spam Friday. Sat around fire with music and coffee. Aug27. Placed ridge beams on cabin. Realized lack of nails will be an issue. “X“ braced roof. Aug28. Couldn't sleep well from hunger last night. Secured tarps and pine branches to the roof. Aug29. Hardest day. Heavy rain last night. Water bucket fell over. Cutting and placing moss from 0.2 miles away was brutal. Then that afternoon we had to trek to the lake for water. Aug30. Time has come to a standstill these final days. Finished mossing the roof while Cody worked on the door. Got a squirrel today too. Ate bones and all. Aug31. Our bodies crave fats. All our thoughts are of food. Secured cabin base with logs. Sep01. Clayed the base and finished the door. Placed flag pole and raised the colors. Its done. Sep02. Took down flags. Packed up camp. Secured the door. Rucked out with a quarter of the gear we came in with. Flew out. Ate till we puked. Thank you so much for watching. We plan to go back next fall and finish the rest of it. Business inquiries: Yancofilms@ Go Pro Hero Black 7 Canon T3i DJI Mini Se Goal Zero Nomad 10 solar panel Songs: Kulning | Ancient Herding Calls | Winter's lullaby Slowed with added drum beats... P.S. all her stuff is incredible. I highly recommend “Arthur Vyncke - Sunny Winter Day“ is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. 🎵 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: