Saint Petersburg, Russia 🇷🇺 - by drone [4K]

Добрый день and welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 4K UHD resolution! In this clip you can see all the famous sights / spots like the Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Saint Michael's Castle, Russian Museum, Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh, Leningrad Hero City Obelisk, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Monument to Catherine II, Bolsheokhtinsky bridge, the Neva River, the beautiful skyline and so much more… All clips were rendered with Final Cut Pro. Enjoy! Hope you guys like it! Also have a look @WorldWideWalkx and their stunning walking videos! _______________________________________________________ ***Attention start*** This incredible footage is recorded by @TimelabPro ! If you like it, you can license it by contacting these folks! Drone Snap is not the author of theses incredible shots! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are not able to travel the world and capture new pictures for you! Thats w