Nineteen Eighty Four, NZ! $200k + fines for speaking the truth the government doesn’t like in NZ.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is to become the Ministry of Truth in NZ. No doubt whoever is chosen to be the Minister of Truth will be dripping wet in the wokeness and the completely fabricated 'Principles of the Waitangi Treaty'. Have a wild guess as to whom they are going to target first to 'fine/absolutely destroy' them for actually telling the truth. This is going to be used to terrify the majority into silence while the radical extreme fringe of super elite Maori supremacy fleece NZ of its entire wealth. I'm proposing to put the people in parliament who are going to take the fight to these extremists of Maoridom and the quisling cowards who want your vote but have no intention of doing anything about it. No one, and I mean absolutely, not one single person either in parliament right now or vying for your vote to get into parliament is brave enough to take them on. Whoever says openly and succinctly they will tell the UN, WEF, and the WHO to keep the hell out of NZ affairs. That also includes individuals like all the multibillionair psychopaths and big pharma who have done and continue to do extreme damage to this tiny nation. “Keep the hell out of our country unless your intentions are honorable“ should be the message to the above mentioned. NZ is staring down the barrel of becoming the New Zimbabwe of the South Pacific. Do we want to become Australia's Mexicans? Because that's exactly where we're headed if we don't stop them in power now, them stripping this country of its wealth and resources and coming after your assets, and them outside forces with huge funding corrupting the major players in this country, including the media. If you want to buy me a coffee, then please go via PayPal to crosstherub@