European risk

Check out my new Substack, @johninengland Zaporizhzhia atomic plant Introduction video UN International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi Dnipro River in Russian-occupied Ukraine Europe's largest nuclear power station Worker Serhii Devastation, much of Europe, Russia, Mediterranean The level of radioactive pollution, and most importantly the area of contamination, will be thousands of square kilometres of land and sea… it would be much, much worse than Fukushima and worse than Chernobyl. Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, captured by Russian, March 2022 Shells and rocket hits Russia targeting power lines Seven power cuts since March 2022 Back-up generators, poor quality work force 11,000 staff now down to 3,500 Big leak could stop any southern Ukrainian counteroffensive Level of military activity has increased Worker Serhii Ukrainian armed forces will not shell the station Worker Mykola Everyone has their own story. And I think the most important thing is not to get into their hands because it's unlikely you will get out and still be the human you were when you went in. The International Atomic Energy Agency Calling for area to be demilitarised immediately Chernobyl 4 reactor 1986 29,400 km2 was contaminated above 180 kBq/m2 530,000 liquidators irradiated, 120 millisieverts (mSv) Global average annual dose of 2.4 mSv natural background radiation (UK 2.7 mSv) Iodine -131 (8 days) Caesium-137 (30 years) Strontium-90 (29 years) Plutonium-241 (14 years, 430 years) Fissile uranium U-235 isotope (703 million years) Potassium Iodide for Nuclear Radiation Emergencies You’ll take potassium iodide before or right after you’re exposed to radioactive iodine, 3 to 4 hours after won’t be as effective. Take the medication once a day until the risk of radiation exposure no longer exists. Most important Pregnant or lactating women Newborns Children Doses of potassium iodide Adults, 130-milligram pill 12- 18, over 150 pounds, (68Kg) 130-milligram pill 12- 18, under 150 pounds, (68Kg) 65-milligram pill 3 to 12, one 65-milligram pill Newborns to one month, mg Adults need 140 micrograms (μg) of iodine a day. Family protection Sheltering Staying indoors with doors and windows closed, degree of protection from breathing in radioactive material, and dust / fall out Evacuation Stable iodine tablets Food Soil - grass – plants food chains Milk or other foods Eating contaminated food, build up over time