The Eridu Conspiracy | What the Church Doesn’t Want You to Know

The Eridu Genesis presents a narrative that involves gods like Enki and Enlil, who play pivotal roles in the creation and intended destruction of humanity. We explore the mysterious gaps in the text, which leave room for interpretation and speculation. What led the gods to decide on wiping out humanity? How did Enki, the god of wisdom, intervene to save human beings from a catastrophic flood? The video answers these questions by drawing parallels with other texts like the Epic of Atrahasis and the Epic of Gilgamesh. But the story doesn't end there. We also examine the historical context in which these texts were discovered and translated. George Smith, the pioneer in deciphering some of the most significant cuneiform tablets, challenged the theological status quo of his time. His discoveries led to questions that shook the very foundations of religious belief: Could a text believed to be divinely inspired appear in older documents? We also discuss the contributions of historians and Assyriol