Office Of AEOS: The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Egyptian Order Society

Membership Development: Mir:No9 Boston, MA This sacred order is not just for the wealthy, though many rich people belong, nor for the college educated, though some members are great scholars. The Supreme Grand Nubian Order Society is made up for the most part, of everyday people. Men and women who, until they became Nubians lived ordinary, hum-drum lives. Some of your neighbors, many of the really successful people in your community may be of the Supreme Grand Nubian Order Society, many movie stars and popular entertainers, politicians, teachers of all races and from all countries are members. For membership in the order is open to all people in every walk of life who feel strongly about these two things. From old Tama-re, Egipt have come the fundamental teachings which have so strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations, religions and peoples, for thousands of years. Nubia, the home of over 1000 Pyramids, the Sphinx, and Obelisk, was the birthplace of all hidden wisdom