NATO bombing of Belgrade/Bombardovanje Beograda 1999. (Ul. Kneza Miloša)

Posle prvog pogotka zgrade Generalštaba na uglu ulica Nemanjine i Kneza Miloša u noći izmedju 29. i 30. aprila 1999., sve službe za hitne intervencije su bile na terenu i zatekle jeziv prizor. Dok su vatrogasni timovi razvlačili opremu za gašenje požara, ekipe hitne pomoći ukazivale pomoć povredjenima, posle 15 minuta, doleće drugi projektil (trenutak na videu od 01:00), koji totalno dezorijentiše spasilačke ekipe zajedno sa novinarima i fotoreporterima. Kukavički i podmuklo. Zvanično je poginulo troje ljudi, dva mladića u automobilu BMW, koji se oštećen vidi na snimku, i policajac iz stražarske kućice. Povredjeno je oko 40 ljudi, a najteže je povredjen član civilne zaštite Beograda Ratko Bulatović, koji ostao bez obe noge. English: After the first hit of the General Staff building on the corner of Nemanjina and Kneza Miloša streets on the night between April 29 and 30, 1999., all emergency services were on the ground and found a horrible sight. While the fire teams stretched out the firefighting equipment, the ambulance crews provided help to the injured, after 15 minutes, another projectile landed (moment on video at 01:00), which totally disoriented the rescue teams together with journalists and photo reporters. Cowardly and insidious. Three people were officially killed, two young men in a BMW car, which was damaged in the video, and a police officer from the guard house. About 40 people were injured, and the most severely injured was a member of the Belgrade Civil Protection, Ratko Bulatović, who lost both legs.