Very sad letter written to MO DMH 9/11/23 regarding my competency evaluation

Ronald Lee Stehle Now owns the property we were hazed out of. The house burned down and Ronald Raymond received $350,000. We got nothing but grief really a nightmare for us the last few years. And they're still attempting to put me in jail. Please review the videos on this YouTube channel. See crazy neighbor list and find out what happened to us. Darrell McClanahan candidate for Governor of #Missouri in 2024. Links to my website, social media, and other sources that highlight my stance on key issues and events. Some key points include a focus on ending Missouri's personal property taxes, making fully informed juries a legal  requirement, encourage citizens participation as I did  auditing City of Lexington, Ozark County Sheriff's office and Dover Township Vernon County. Our Government officials shall be held accountable. I am Pro-life and support the rights of the unborn, believing life begins at conception, that the targeting of Traditional Catholics for their beliefs is wrong! I will implement the Posse Comitatus Act as State Governor using federal military personnel for domestic policies in order to remove the millions of criminal illegal aliens from Missouri America has political prisoners wrongly incarcerated. Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Citizens should have a right to convene a grand jury SB874 -   Allows citizens to summon a grand jury by filing a petition with the local court Lavoy Finicum was murdered when traveling to ask a Sheriff to convene a citizen's grand jury. Laclede County Missouri prosecutor Amy Folsom's husband Henry Folsom Missouri highway patrolman shot Jeffrey Weinhaus under the influence of Ambien  and Prozac Matt Thompson reporting the shooting of Jeffrey Weinhaus Eric Schmidt tells him he works for the state. Not the people of Missouri. I know maybe he's referencing this one incident although I think it represents his thoughts. Schmidt works for the people first. Not the state The shooting of Jeffrey Weinhaus has been continuously covered up by the attorney general's office led by Josh Hawley with support from Governors Eric Greitens and Mike Parson. We must not back the blue blindly. Innocent man murdered by six California Highway Patrolman. Using excessive force under color of law. two weeks before George Floyd's death. Why no riots ??? I was the chief petitioner to audit Lexington MO Josh Hawley's home town . Personally taking over 500 signatures to expose corruption Employer Religious Exemption from forced Vaccination. Feel free to use it as a template against big pharma. Forced vaccination is prohibited !!! Traditional Catholics targeted and called white supremacists by the FBI for their beliefs. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schooling and thankful for it. Darrell McClanahan on Donald Trump's Truth Social @MissouriBattleflag Russian VK as Gordon Kahl Recall Ozark County Missouri Sheriff Cass Martin God bless America and the great state of Missouri.