Simutomy- Learn Side-to-Side Bowel Anastomosis (Type-D) #BowelAnastomosis #InstestineSuturing

Welcome to Simutomy's Online Learning Content! To Purchase This Product Visit: In this demonstration we will watch and learn how to do an Side-to-Side Anastomosis. The third technique, Type-D, that we will be learning focuses on the following suture style: The fourth technique, Type-D, that we will be learning focuses on the following suture style: First Layer: Lembert Sutures Second Layer: Continuous Interlocking Sutures Third Layer: Continuous Interlocking Sutures Fourth Layer: Lembert Sutures An anastomosis is the joining of two normally opposing things. Anastomosis is a medical term that refers to a link between two blood vessels (arteries or veins) or two intestinal loops. An anastomosis can form naturally in the body or be surgically constructed. An artificial connection created by a surgeon is known as a surgical anastomosis. When an artery, vein, or portion of the intestine is blocked, this procedure may be used. It c