China Lies! Shanghai’s Radiation Exceeds Tokyo’s by 976 Times, Chinese People Are Shocked

On August 26th at 2:00 pm, the radiation levels of Hangzhou Bay were tested. The highest radiation value in the seawater of the bay was . China Central Television reported in a program that the radiation level in Tokyo was only . In an area about 6.5 kilometers away from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant, the highest radiation level was only about 0.2. Microsieverts per hour measure the amount of radiation absorbed by the human body per hour. A level of 0.1 to 0.2 microsieverts per hour is actually within the range of natural background radiation. The radiation level when flying at high altitudes is only 3 to 5 microsieverts, and the maximum radiation near the Fukushima nuclear power plant is 2.0 microsieverts. So, when a resident from Shanghai discovered that the radiation in his home reached 9.7 microsieverts, 976 times that of Tokyo and 5 times that of Fukushima, he was quite alarmed. #Radiation #shanghai #Japan #fukushimawaterrelease #chinaobserver All rights reserved.