Zack Martin | Wasted Grippers Promo

Zack “Martini“ Martin has been on a rampage ever since joining PROTO in 2013. Over the past few years Zack's level of progression has turned him into one of the gnarliest scooter riders we've ever seen. Zack hails from San Diego, California and is the first PROTO rider from our home town to ascend the ranks and earn the Pro title. Not only does Zack kill it on the scoot, he has become a major asset managing the warehouse here at the PROTO shop and has contributed more to PROTO than his riding alone. We are extremely proud and honored to announce Zack Martin as the newest member of the PROTO Pro roster! Song: Burning Wreath by Fuzz Filmed by: Bryan Hillman Additional Filming: Tyler Bradley, Matt McKeen Editing: Matt McKeen Additional Editing: Andrew Broussard, David Bledsoe