Chonny Jash - Mayday

Alright, so I bent the rules a little bit... don't blame me, my sanity made me do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYRICS: I've gone too far. I pushed too hard. I ran my miles and found I'd wound up back at the start. I've gone too far. I'm being pulled apart. I strayed my self until the sound of now drowned the past. I can't breathe. I can't see. I can't seem to stay me, so I scream “Mayday.“ “Mayday.“ I'm screaming “Mayday.“ “Mayday.“ “Isn't there anyone here?“ but the cries fall on no ears. I've sunk again. My luck is spent. I found my path and sprinted down as fast as I can, but I went too far. I cut and cornered 'round the bends. I can't turn back now I've lost sight of where it begins. I can't sleep. I can't think. I can't reach above me, so I scream, silently Mayday. Mayday. I'm screaming Mayday. Mayday. Another birthday spent in tears. Once counting up, now I count down the years. As Atlas collapses and Icarus' wax is destroyed, and the pillars dissolved, betrayed by synapses, an addict relapses and Hercules loses his hold. I sped off without care, the wind flying through my hair, but now the breeze just makes me cold. I've finally broken down. Smell the sickening, smoky scent of burnout. Memory turned a prophecy foretold. The dust is finally settling and through its clouds, I see me. Me. Just me, with tears flowing down in streams and the unyielding urge to scream MAYDAY. MAYDAY. I'M SCREAMING MAYDAY. MAYDAY. I'M SCREAMING MAYDAY. MAYDAY. I'M SCREAMING MAYDAY. MAYDAY. Thousands of people will hear. Delayed facsimiles will ring crystal clear, but reverberations don't carry the same weight. By the time the echoes hit them, it'll already be too late, so this SOS is solely for me. I am to whom I scream mayday. Mayday. I'm screaming mayday. Mayday. I'm screaming mayday.