(08/ 06) Over 140 dead as Yangtze River bursts banks || China FLOODING 2021 || THREE GORGES DAM

The Yangtze River region saw its second-highest day of rainfall in over 50 years, authorities said Monday as deadly flooding affected much of China. Some 28,000 homes have been damaged and 141 people have died or are missing since the floods began last month. Most of mainland China is affected, including vast swathes of western areas like Tibet and Xinjiang. Damage has been estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Following coronavirus-related shutdowns and the shutdowns of overseas markets, flood damage poses a new threat to China's economy. Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, is particularly severely affected as the Yangtze flows through the province. Wuhan was the epicenter of China's coronavirus outbreak and experienced one of the country's longest lockdowns