All the Egyptian Gods (A to Z) and Their Roles

Join me on a fascinating journey through Egyptian mythology as I explore nearly 100 ancient gods, unraveling their rich stories and divine powers. The following Gods will be present in my video: - Aker - Am-heh - Amaunet - Amun-Ra - Anat - Andjety - Anhur - Anubis - Anuket - Arensnuphis - Ash - Astarte - Aten - Atum - Ba-Pef - Baba - Bastet - Bat - Bes - Dedun - Duamutef - Hapy - Harsaphes - Hathor - Hatmehit - Heh - Heket - Hemen - Hermanubis - Hesat - Horus - Iabet - Iah - Iat - Ihy - Imentet - Imsety - Ipy - Isis - Iunit - Iusaaset - Kebechet - Kek - Khepri - Khnum - Khonsu - Maahes - Maat - Mandulis - Mehen - Mehet-Weret - Meretseger - Meskhenet - Min - Montu - Mut - Nefertem - Nehebkau - Neith - Nekhbet - Nemty - Nephthys - Nun - Nut - Osiris - Pakhet - Petbe - Ptah - Qadesh - Qebui - Renenutet - Resheph - Satis - Sebiumeker - Seker - Sekhmet - Serapis - Serket - Seth - Shai - Shed - Shezmu - Shu - Sia - Sobek - Sokar - Sopdet - Sopdu - Tatenen - Tawaret - Tefnut - Tjenenet - Tutu - Unut - Upuaut - Wadj-wer - Wadjet - Werethekau Subscribe to my channel for more mythology related videos: Follow Mythos The Historian also on Facebook: Music: Desert City by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Source: Artist: #egyptiangods #mythology #egyptianmythology #egypt