The Earliest Born People Photographed

It is important to note that not all birth dates here are validated. 55 Photographs of people born in the 1770's or earlier, taken between 1840 and the 1870s. For reference: George Washington was born in 1732, Napoleon’s father in 1746, and Mozart in 1756. Updated List of the Earliest Born People Photographed: ow053psorQ3VS4tfVVpfjWLzXQ5Gvmy1BDe-1ut_-UMRYsxDC1afC_8LmcV6e9GOWi8/pubhtml Notes: 2:03 - Conrad Heyer was more likely born in 1753 0:43 - John Adams married in 1771 to Joanna Munroe of Lexington, MA. Mary Sanderson (1:39) was born as a Munroe and also came from Lexington. A connection between the earliest-born man and earliest-born woman photographed? Revised version of “The Earliest Born People Photographed” The Earliest-Born People Photographed in Color: Sources: %22the-second%22-owen-sr-1735-1843 :/61903/1:1:JF1R-Y2S :/61903/1:1:VQX2-V86 :/61903/1:1:FCQ7-J94 :5f448301-6023-bf2a-4997-6118d5c4d4b0 : %C3%A9rez_de_Guill%C3%A9n_Marin%C3%A9 : : :Maria_Edgeworth, :Uncle_Marian_-_crop_% : #/collections?id=21337130 : : M. Taylor (2010), The Last Muster: Images of the Revolutionary War Generation M. Taylor (2013), The Last Muster, Volume 2: Faces of the American Revolution (2013) Tags: Earliest born person, earliest born person filmed, earliest born person photographed, American revolution, born in the 1700s, life in the 1700s, 1776, French revolution, colorized, upscaled, Radetzky, Hannah Stilley Gorby, Conrad Heyer, historical, history, Beethoven, Dragonetti, first photograph, worlds oldest photographs, oldest generation